Wat is het idee?
Dear Community,
I moved to the Netherlands 3 years ago and this time I pay regularly for insurance in your community (ZieZo Basis it is 136,20 per month). A few months before there were bacteria found in the jaw bone. As a result of this bacteria, a big piece of my bone is missing. The diagnosis was one, remove the tooth clean the bacteria from the bone and rebuild the bone. This is a costly treatment which is necessary. Today I got information that this treatment is not covered. My question is how is this possible? It is really dangerous to keep bacteria in the bone, first of all, bacteria grow up and is mean that don't remove it on time was mean that my bone would be more and more destroyed. Second, keeping bacteria mean complications and bigger infection even brain infection, and finally, keeping it was mean that I can lose all my tooths. This kind of treatment is not esthetic treatment it is really dangerous and necessary to do. How is possible that this kind of organisation doesn't care about the health and safety of its customers? I should waiting till will be too late and I have to go to hospital with that? I waiting from answers from you organisation because in this case I feel not safe and my health is in dangerous. Please abut any help and advices in my case.